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Business Continuity Policy

The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai (IACAD) is committed to implementing a Business Continuity Management System aimed at providing essential services to the relevant stakeholders as quickly as possible, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 22301 and related plans through the following:

        • Compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
        • Establishing and managing an integrated system to achieve IACAD’s objectives related to business continuity within the Business Continuity Management System.
        • Providing the necessary financial, technical, infrastructure resources, and qualified human resources to implement the system's requirements.
        • Continuous improvement through learning from successful experiences and best practices related to business continuity.


Information Security Policy

Our Mission: An integrated preemptive system and interrelated services to develop religious awareness and charitable work and build mosques according to best practices.

Information Security Policy Statement : Information is one of our most valuable assets and is at risk from a wide range of physical and electronic threats. Preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of this information is essential if we are to maintain our operational ability, protect our assets, and safeguard customer and employee data. In line with our goals of achieving compliance with DESC ISR (Dubai Electronic Security Center, Information Security Regulation) and ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems, IACAD is committed to continuously improving Information Security controls and culture throughout the organization to effectively secure our IT systems and information. This commitment includes:

      • Ensuring information is protected to an appropriate level, based upon the impact of its disclosure, modification, or loss.
      • Complying with all relevant information management legislation, regulations, and standards.
      • Ensuring that employees are clear about their responsibilities regarding ownership of information security and that we expect them to take their legal and moral role seriously.
      • Managing the security of all computer systems and supporting infrastructure through the implementation of appropriate technical security controls.
      • Ensuring that security is an integral part of information systems, including segregation of duties, change control procedures, and agreed testing and approval processes.
      • Managing Information Security events and weaknesses to allow timely corrective action to be taken.
      • Protecting critical information systems from the effects of major failures or disasters by deploying appropriately resilient infrastructure and ensuring redundant equipment, media, and papers are disposed of securely.

IACAD will annually review the Information Security policy statement and the way it operates, or more frequently in the case of significant changes to the nature or scope of risk in the organization.

For more information, please contact information Security Department (


Sustainable Procurement Policy

Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department is committed to all practices related to sustainable procurement and green purchases through providing the departments’ needs of goods, and services that have the lowest negative and the most positive, environmental, social, and economic impacts. Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department will work on achieving its Sustainable Procurement Policy, maintain natural, financial, and human resources as well as its social responsibility through:

  • Commitment to all laws and regulations as well as sustainability requirements and stakeholders’ needs.
  • Provide all the departments’ needs of goods, and services as per the actual needs, with approved quality and timeframe, and competitive prices that enhance the financial efficiencies and reduce government expenditures.
  • Respect and appreciate all stakeholders involved in the supply chain, treat them with honesty and integrity, take into consideration social and cultural diversity, behave ethically in accordance with the ethical standards and rules of conduct.
  • Ensure the achievement of corporate governance principles, concepts and standards in applying purchasing and contracting processes and activities.
  • Provide clear and accurate information about the specification and details of the requested goods and services, promote fair competition among suppliers, respect their privacy, confidentiality of offers and property rights.
  • Assess and select suppliers based on pre-defined criterion which ensure equity while focusing on sustainability aspects (economic, society and environment).
  • Raise awareness and commitment of stakeholders towards sustainability issues and provide them with recommendations and solutions to enhance their performance toward sustainability.
  • Provide effective communication channels to enhance collaborative approach among all supply chain parties, as well as study of all suggestions and feedback provided to enhance sustainability.
  • Provide necessary requirements to maintain health and safety of employees, suppliers, & customers, and prevent hazards.
  • Support and enhance the national economy through increase purchases from new established and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) where applicable.

Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department believes that the achievement of this policy comes through continuous improvement of the sustainability procurement system as per ISO 20400:2017, setting objectives and review them periodically to ensure that the system is efficient and effective, improve the system based on learning and review cycle to meet new changes in the work environment.


Quality, Environment, and Health & Safety Policy

Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD) is committed to providing added value and high-quality services to all stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers, strategic partners and the community) through the dissemination and promotion of Islamic culture, charity development and managing mosque affairs. IACAD is also keen on providing a safe and healthy working environment for all stakeholders and efficiently optimising and managing the resources of the Dubai government. For this reason, IACAD has prepared a Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety policy that includes IACAD’s commitment to the following:

  • Continuous development of quality, environment, occupational health and safety management system through the establishment of goals and continuously reviewing it, ensuring the dissemination of its concepts, the spread of best management and professional practices and the development and improvement of services provided which support IACAD’s strategy.
  • Compliance with all relevant requirements, legislation, laws, regulations and instructions.
  • Provision of continuous training and raising awareness among employees in quality, environment, occupational health and safety management system.
  • Provision of high-quality services to achieve customers’ happiness and the happiness of the beneficiaries of IACAD’s services.
  • Reducing occupational injuries and diseases, protecting the environment and preventing environmental pollution and all health and safety hazards associated with IACAD’s context, activities and services.
  • Taking necessary actions to control occupational health and safety hazards through the hierarchy of controls.
  • Engagement of employees in the decision-making processes within the occupational health and safety management system.

IACAD and its employees believe that the implementation of this policy is achieved by implementing quality, environment, occupational health and safety management system by the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 and periodically reviewing the system as per the approved processes.

Dr. Hamad Al Sheikh Ahmad Al Shibani - General Director

Risk management policy

The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD) is committed to ensuring and promoting Islamic culture, developing charitable work, and managing mosque affairs. IACAD is also keen on limiting risk effects and enhancing the role of the internal control system to contribute in early detection of risks in order to reduce the expected negative consequences with an effective plan to control the risks. IACAD has prepared a "risk policy" in accordance with the ISO 31000: 2018 requirements, which is committed to the following:

  • Link the risk management system to IACAD’s objectives, policies and processes, and review it periodically.
  • Incorporating the concepts of risk management and risk-based thinking within its culture.
  • Provide the necessary resources to manage risks efficiently and effectively.
  • Executing measurement and reporting processes using appropriate performance indicators.
  • Defining responsibilities, roles and authorities within the risk management system, and dealing with points of overlap or duplication mechanisms about internal or external risks.
  • Risk management system continuous development in accordance to ISO 31000: 2018 and in line with the best practices in risk management methods.

Dr. Hamad Al Sheikh Ahmad Al Shibani - General Director

Innovation policy

​The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai (IACAD) is committed to providing distinctive, innovative and high-quality services to all concerned groups by spreading and promoting the concept of Islamic culture, developing charitable work and managing mosque affairs. IACAD is also keen on providing a safe and healthy work environment with optimal utilization of available resources while managing it effectively and efficiently.

IACAD has prepared an "innovation policy" in line with the main axes of the Department's strategy, "global Islamic leadership", “pioneering and innovative charity” and “sustainable mosques”, to define IACAD commitment to support and encourage creativity and innovation as well as empowering employees with the appropriate tools and means to create an attractive environment for innovation.

The objectives of the “Innovation policy” are commitment to the following:

  • Supporting Dubai government's approach to innovation and creating a work environment that stimulates innovation.
  • Turning the concept of innovation into effective and lasting work and institutional culture in the Department.
  • Building a set of goals according to the innovation field compatible with the nature of the Department's work.
  • Developing a supportive work environment for the Department’s employees and promoting creativity and innovation among them while providing supportive resources.
  • Adherence to the innovation principles by achieving the value from the applied ideas, supporting the leaders to foresee the future, building a strategy based on innovation, supporting future visions, aspirations and goals, and ensuring that the Department adapts to future changes and uses multiple systems at work by applying the innovation system.
  • Receiving, analyzing and maintaining the ideas through appropriate channels, along with supporting the implementation of innovative projects by providing the necessary resources.
  • Encouraging employees to participate actively in the innovation processes with its various stages, including submitting proposals, creative ideas, rewarding, motivating and honoring the employees
  • Protecting the ideas and preserving the intellectual property rights of the employees and the Department in accordance with the approved procedures, laws and regulations in the UAE.
  • Facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge in order to provide the appropriate environment to stimulate the process of generating creative ideas.
  • Ensuring the management of all types of knowledge and its availability in the Department to facilitate the process of accessing and benefiting from it.
  • Searching for sustainable relationships with partners, enhancing internal and external cooperation with the concerned groups, and working with them in order to achieve common goals by sharing expertise, resources, knowledge and innovative solutions.
  • Commitment to meet legal, legislative and other requirements related to business ethics and institutional sustainability.
  • Effective management of innovation projects and activities in accordance with the best international benchmarks and practices in line with IACAD culture and its nature of work.
  • Identifying the risks from the innovation processes and apply the best practices to ensure the effectiveness of the taken actions
  • Continuous commitment to improving the organizational innovation management system in accordance with ISO 56002: 2019 and in accordance with best practices in innovation

The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department and its employees believe that the realization of this policy comes through the application of an innovation management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 56002: 2019. The development will continue with the requirements to confirm its effectiveness, and will review the system in accordance with the approved processes periodically.

Dr. Hamad Al Sheikh Ahmad Al Shibani - General Director

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